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Fotowettbewerb: „Auf der Flucht: Frauen und Migration“

Das Thema des Martin-Lagois-Wettbewerbs 2016 lautet „Auf der Flucht: Frauen und Migration“. Gesucht werden Fotoreportagen und Bilder, die die besondere Situation von weiblichen Flüchtlingen dokumentieren. Im Vordergrund sollen die Herausforderungen stehen, die Frauen auf der Flucht, in Gemeinschaftsunterkünften und der neuen Umgebung meistern müssen. Ziel ist es, eine Wanderausstellung auf Reisen zu schicken, die den interkulturellen Dialog fördert und damit zu Frieden und Toleranz beiträgt. Das Preisgeld beträgt insgesamt 3.000,- Euro.

Ausgeschrieben wird weiterhin ein Förderpreis. Mit ihm werden Foto-Projekte unterstützt, die erst noch realisiert oder beendet werden sollen – vorzugsweise zum Thema „Flucht und Vertreibung“. Dieser Preis ist mit 2.000,- Euro dotiert. Schirmherrin des Fotowettbewerbs ist die Ständige Vertreterin des Landesbischofs, die Münchner Regionalbischöfin Susanne Breit-Keßler.


Kalender und Stickerheft

Kreativmaterial Weltreligionen

Material zum Wettbewerb Weltreligionen

Jetzt erschienen: Das Material zum Thema Weltreligionern – für den Schulunterricht und die Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen.

Am Wettbewerb haben sich mehr als 500 Kinder, Jugendliche sowie junge Erwachsene beteiligt. Die Jury hat sich schwer getan mit einer Auswahl und deshalb rund 80 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer ausgezeichnet.

Die Werke der GewinnerInnen bilden die Grundlage für drei schöne Produkte: Einen Mitmachkalender, ein Stickerheft und ein Materialheft zum Thema Weltreligionen!

Der Wandkalender im Format A1 kann schnell und einfach eingesetzt werden – in Schulen oder Bildungseinrichtungen. Er enthält 70 Aufkleber zu den Fest- und Feiertagen von Christentum, Islam, Judentum, Buddhismus und Hinduismus. Weiterer Aufkleber können genutzt werden, um Geburtstage, Feiertage, Veranstaltungen oder Schulfeste zu markieren.

Das Stickerheft Weltreligionen im Format A4 kann spielerisch eingesetzt werden – im Kindergarten, Schulen oder Bildungseinrichtungen. Es enthält grundlegende Informationen zu den Religionen Christentum, Islam, Judentum, Buddhismus und Hinduismus.
In einer kleinen Tasche werden insgesamt 70 bunte Aufkleber mitgeliefert. Sie können genutzt werden, um das Wissen zu vertiefen.


Das Materialheft im Format A4 bietet über 30 einfache Gestaltungsideen für den Unterricht. Es enthält Kopiervorlagen und Arbeitsblätter zu den Weltreligionen sowie zu Themen wie Toleranz und Frieden.
Das Heft ist eine Fundgrube voller Ideen für die Auseinandersetzung mit Religionen, Glaube, Werten, Moral und Ethik.
Alle Vorschläge sind in der Praxis erprobt und leicht umzusetzen.
Das Materialheft eignet sich hervorragend für die Arbeit an Kindergärten, Schulen, Bildungseinrichtungen oder die Arbeit mit Asylbewerbern und Flüchtlingen.

Mehr Infos und Bestellschein auf

Kalender und Stickerheft

Stickerheft Weltreligionen und Mitmachkalender

Friedhof Großschönach

Programme of the Haeften-Meeting 2016 in Germany


Programme for Saturday, 14.05.2016

Arrival in the afternoon. We start with a simple dinner at the castle of Herberg on Saturday at 6 pm (sharp).


Programme for Sunday, 15.05.2016

09:30 – 10:15 Departure to the 1st Highlight of the Day (30-36 km; 45 min)

10:15 – 10:45 Visit of the „Denkort am Sigmaringer Erinnerungsweg“ Stätte wachen Gewissens: Agnes von Haeften, Werner von Haeften, Hans-Bernd von Haeften, Friedhof Großschönach

11:00 Visit of the Exhibition
Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg und der Umsturzversuch vom 20. Juli 1944 as well as the Exhibition “Agnes & Hans von Haeften and their children Elisabeth, Werner & Hans-Bernd”

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Drive to Salem (15 km; 30 min)

14:00 Guided Tour Schloss Salem (ca. 45 min)

Visit of the Aula with a Bookshelf marked “Haeften”

15:00 Optional free program:

– Visit of the Basilika Birnau

– Strolling through Meersburg

19:00 Dinner at a restaurant close to Hersberg


Programme for Monday, 16.05.2016

09:30 – 12:00 Official Meeting of the Haeften-Family at Schloss Hersberg

12:00 – 13:00 Final lunch at Schloss Hersberg

13:00 Arrivederci ceremonies and departure.

14:00 Optional: Boat trip on the Lake (60 min)

Although German cannot be avoided to be spoken, we’ll try to translate everything into English 🙂

Haeften-Treffen 2016 am Bodensee

Dear members of the Haeften Family Association, Dear interested van & von Haeften kinswomen and kinsmen,

we would like to invite you to our next family reunion which will take place at and around the region of lake Constance in southern Germany.

Why lake Constance? In 2014, the tomb of Agnes von Haeften was named official monument of the „route of memory“ in southern Germany. Agnes von Haeften is the mother of Werner and Hans-Bernd von Haeften. Both brothers took part in the military-based conspiracy against Adolf Hitler known as the 20 July plot. They are considered as heroes of the German anti-Nazi resistance. We will see the grave and a special exhibition about the military resistance.

Further, we would like to visit Salem School. It is located in the Cistercian monastery of Salem Abbey which was founded in 1134. The abbey already had its own scriptorium in the 12th century, and formed one of the most important monastery libraries in Europe. Now the grounds are home to school „Schule Schloss Salem“, founded in 1920 by Kurt Hahn and Prince Max of Baden. After World War II, many of the children of the anti-Nazi resistance group stayed in the school.

We will then take the chance to look at one of the most known pilgrimage-churches of southern Germany – the „Basilika Birnau“ – and continue to Meersburg, a charming little medieval city which is reserved for pedestrians only.

On Monday morning we will have some time to talk about family-related topics, as the „family club“ etc.

Children any age are welcome – the program is perfectly suited for families!

We look forward to seeing you again!


Dirk-Michael Harmsen ( and Rieke C. Harmsen ( on behalf of the organizing team

Hans-Bernd von Haeften

Hans-Bernd von Haeften – Widerstand in der NS-Zeit

Abschiedsbrief von Hans-Bernd von Haeften (1905–1944) an seine Frau vom 15. August 1944.

Meine liebe, liebste Frau, meine gute Barbara, wohl in wenigen Stunden werde ich in Gottes Hände fallen. So will ich Abschied von Dir nehmen. Schnell ein paar äussere Dinge. […] Barbara, in diesen Haftwochen habe ich Gottes Gericht still gehalten u[nd] meine „unerkannte Missetat“ [Ps 90,8] erkannt u[nd] vor Ihm bekannt. „Gottes Gebote halten u[nd] Liebe üben u[nd] demütig sein vor Deinem Gott.“ [Mi 6,8] Das ist die Regel gegen die ich verstossen habe. Ich habe das fünfte Gebot nicht heilig gehalten (obwohl ich einmal Werner damit zurückgerissen habe) u[nd] das Gebot der Demut, des „Stille seins u[nd] Harrens“ [vgl. Jes 30,15], habe ich nicht ernst genug genommen. Vor allem habe ich nicht Liebe geübt gegen Euch, die mir anvertraut waren. Um Euretwillen, um Muttis u[nd] der Eltern willen hätte ich von Allem Abstand nehmen müssen. Bitte sage ihnen, zugleich mit meinem tiefsten Dank für all ihre Hilfe u[nd] Liebe, dass ich sie herzlich bitte, sie möchten mir verzeihen.

Barbel, ich habe all dieses getan in der Meinung u[nd] in dem Willen, recht zu tun vor Gott. In Wahrheit war ich ungehorsam, obwohl ich ehrlich gefleht habe, Er möge mich auf Seinen Wegen leiten, dass meine Füsse nicht gleiten [vgl. Ps 17,5]; sie sind geglitten. Warum? Ich habe in all den Zweifeln wohl nicht still u[nd] geduldig genug gewartet, bis Er seinen Willen mir unzweideutig kundtat. Vielleicht war es auch so Sein unergründlicher, heiliger u[nd] heilsamer Ratschluss.
Liebste Frau, ich sterbe in der Gewissheit göttlicher Vergebung, Gnade u[nd] ewigen Heils; und in der gläubigen Zuversicht, daß Gott all das Unheil, Schmerz, Kummer, Not u[nd] Verlassenheit, das ich über Euch gebracht habe u[nd] das mir das Herz abpresst, aus Seinem unermesslichen Erbarmen in Segen wandeln kann, dass Er euch alle an Seinen Vaterhänden auf euren Erdenwegen geleiten u[nd] endlich zu Sich ziehen wird. Der Herr, unser Erbarmer, wird auch Deinen Schmerz allmählich lindern, Deinen Kummer sänftigen, Dein Leid stillen. Deine Liebe wird die gleiche bleiben, denn „sie höret nimmer auf“ [1Kor 13,8].
Meine gute Barbara, ich danke Dir aus tiefstem Herzen für alle Liebe u[nd] allen Segen, die Du mir in den 14 Jahren unserer Ehe geschenkt hast. Bitte vergib mir allen Mangel an Liebe. Ich habe Dich sehr viel mehr lieb, als ich Dir gezeigt habe. Aber wir haben eine Ewigkeit vor uns, um uns Liebe zu erweisen. Dieser Gedanke sei Dir ein Trost in der Trübsal Deiner Witwenjahre. Ich bin gewiss — sei Du es auch —, dass wir beide mit allen unseren Lieben wieder vereinigt werden in Gottes unaussprechlichem Frieden (der vollkommenste Ruhe u[nd] zugleich seligste Bewegung in göttlichem Dienst ist), in der Anbetung u[nd] unmittelbaren Erfahrung göttlicher Liebe, in der wunderbaren Geborgenheit in des Heilands Gnade u[nd] Güte, in der erlösten Seligkeit der Gotteskindschaft. Auch schon auf Erden gehörst Du zum Leibe Christi, dessen Gliedschaft aufs innigste erfahren wird im Sakrament des Altars, in der Gegenwart des Herrn, der alle die Seinigen — sie mögen vor oder hinter
der grossen Verwandlung stehen — auf wunderbare Weise zusammenschliesst.
Betet für mich den 126. Psalm; über ihn ging die letzte Predigt, die ich am Tage der Verhaftung in unserer Dorfkirche hörte. Und dazu betet den 103. Psalm, lobet u[nd] danket. Mein letzter Gedanke, liebste Frau, wird sein, dass ich Euch meine Lieben des Heilands Gnade u[nd] meinen Geist in Seine Hände befehle. So will ich glaubensfroh sterben. Und ich möchte, meine liebe Barbel, dass auch Du „die immer heitere Frau von Haeften“ bleibst! Scherze u[nd] lache mit unseren Kindern, herze sie u[nd] sei fröhlich mit ihnen; sie brauchen Deine Frohnatur, u[nd] wisse, dass nichts mehr nach meinem Sinne sein könnte. So grüße ich Euch, meine lieben Liebsten, mit dem alten Grußwort „Freuet Euch“ — „Freuet Euch in dem Herrn allewege und abermals sage ich: freuet Euch!“ [Phil 4,4] „Und der Friede Gottes bewahre Eure Herzen und Sinne in Christo“ [Phil 4,7).

Grüße u[nd] Küsse von mir unsere lieben Kinder, den lieben Janneman, den guten Dirkus, das treue Addalein, das köstliche Dörchen, das süsse Ulrikchen. Und Dich selbst, meine liebe allerliebste Frau, meine gute herzliebste Barbara, Dich küsse ich u[nd] umarme Dich u[nd] halte Dich an meinem Herzen mit den tiefsten flehendsten Wünschen für Zeit und Ewigkeit!
Dein Hannis
[seitlich:] Gib Mutti Abschrift. Ich hoffe ihr noch schreiben zu können. Adam grüsst Dich. Halte Liet u[nd] Clarita u[nd] Marion die Freundschaft.

Quelle und weitere Informationen:

Hans-Bernd von Haeften

Life of Hans-Bernd von Haeften

<h1>Write Nothing about Politics: The Life of Hans Bernd von Haeften</h1>
Written by Barbara von Haeften
Translated from the German by Julie Winter

German | Germany | Memoir (excerpt)
September, 2014

Moltke was arrested on January 19, 1944. At first, the only thing that incriminated him was the fact that he had warned Kiep of his impending arrest; not until July 20 was his connection to the Friends known. Although I see nothing in Hansen’s letters about it, it’s clear that the circle of Friends had lost its center and its driving force.

At the end of January Werner suddenly saw an opportunity to kill Hitler. When Werner was with Hans and went to get his pistol out of the suitcase, Hans demanded of him: “Is this really your duty before God and our forefathers?” Werner capitulated. Hans was, however, very troubled that he had intervened since Nazi crimes and bestial war atrocities continued.

At the end of February Hans was promoted to legation counselor first class with the title of Privy Counselor in the Foreign Office. At the same time, along with this promotion through the Reich Chancellery, Hans’ rejection for membership to the Nazi Party arrived from the Party Chancellery–both documents had Hitler’s signature. “By the way,” he wrote, “when Six communicated the matter to me, the truly friendly applause I received made me happy” [Letter from March 3]. During this time Hans was quite stressed; he often had to represent Six as the acting department director. The air attacks were now occurring frequently, even during the day. “The madness is insane” [March 16].

Hans received sick leave on April 23 and went to a health resort in Karlsbad for four weeks. His mother followed him there. Shortly before Ulrike’s birth he came to me in Neustrelitz and was able to accompany me the next night to the clinic for the delivery. The next morning, May 19, he greeted Ulrike and me joyfully, and soon thereafter he brought Jan from school to join us.

We did not remain in Neustrelitz long because even there it was dangerous due to low-level air attacks. Hans spent a few undisturbed, peaceful, sunny days with us in Grammertin. He now had to be available at the Foreign Office and was waiting for his transfer, which was still uncertain. So he could visit us now and again and escape the air attacks in Berlin. And he could also distance himself from weighty considerations and practical preparations for the assassination attempt and overthrow that he was constantly confronted with through his brother Werner, who had become Stauffenberg’s adjutant in the meantime.

All of this caused us to plan Ulrike’s baptism right away. That was the last happy family celebration in Grammertin on June 25, 1944.

Hans was with us again on July 19 for Jan’s birthday, and he was able to take an unforgettable walk with the four older children, who were on school vacation, to a neighboring lake. But Hans was already in a state of great anxiety on this day, July 19, and he talked to me about it. He expected his brother Werner’s call at any moment. Twice the date for the assassination attempt had been postponed because one of the “leaders” was missing. “This time, the film must roll,” Hans said to me. Even if Göring or Himmler should not be there, this time the alarm of the Berlin guard could not be called back–it would have been too noticeable and would have aroused suspicion. Anyway, Hans suspected that the assassination plan had already been discovered. And he was, above all, full of doubt as to whether it could even succeed. “The curse of ‘too late’ has long been lying over the whole thing.” He often said to me, “If murder of a tyrant is allowed at all, then sooner rather than later! They should have acted before Stalingrad” [1942/43]. However, he did not necessarily believe that Hitler had to be murdered. He much preferred for Hitler to be judged by a court. (Gerrit von Haeften, Hansen’s cousin in the Foreign Office, was able to confirm this for me in 1970.) In spite of this, Hans finally agreed to the assassination attempt. I am certain that in spite of its failure, he would never have been able to decide otherwise, even though he believed the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” was completely binding, and he considered himself guilty due to his consent. Above all, his guilt consisted in the fact that he and the other Friends had not summoned enough imagination to find a political solution that could have caused Hitler to fall and brought about a coup. However, now they could no longer wait it out and watch all the injustice. Now they had to act, even with violence, before the Friends of the resistance all individually disappeared without a sound in prisons and concentration camps. Bonhoeffer had already been arrested in 1943, and Moltke in 1944; Elisabeth von Thadden and Kiep were murdered by Hitler’s myrmidons. Mierendorff had been killed in an air raid. Now Leber and Reichwein had fallen into a trap, and the conspiracy would soon be discovered. However, from an international point of view, even a successful coup wouldn’t bring much. “Now it’s only a matter of an orderly capitulation,” Hans said to me on July 20. And so he marched, not exactly happy or even sure of victory, into the decisive battle, when he left us on July 20 in the morning and went with his bicycle to Altstrelitz for the train to Berlin.

That evening I heard from a radio report that an assassination attempt had failed! “The Führer is alive…a military putsch.” I did not listen to the radio in general as I knew too well that every statement was a lie, and yet, the “failure” was correct. I did not dare telephone Dahlem until the next afternoon. There I found out from Jankofsky, our custodian, that Hans was greatly worried about Werner because Werner had not returned home last night. I knew that this was already the news of his death.

I know from a detailed report by Wilhelm Melchers how the hours on July 20 in the Foreign Office went by for Hans, along with Adam Trott and the Friends that were brought there, Melchers and Alex Werth. Hans himself did not tell me about it in as detailed a way when he returned to us, just for the night of the 21st, very agitated and deathly pale. He wanted to tell me about Werner’s death and to say goodbye to all of us–and to speak plainly, he wanted to give me his last farewell. Hans was very dejected and filled with worry about whether he could withstand the interrogations without giving away the Friends and our good cause. I was strangely calm; perhaps this was a comfort to him–even though when I later sat in my cell in deep despair and distress, it seemed almost harsh. But on this morning of leave-taking it was amazing that I was able to comfort him with the promise Christ made to his disciples: “When they now will give you over, do not worry how or what you should answer. For what you should say will be given to you in the hour of need. For it is not you who are speaking, but rather the spirit of your Father, who is speaking through you” [Matthew 10: 19].

And that’s how it was. Hans stepped before Freisler at the People’s Court with self-confidence. The photos of a press photographer and the documentary films show this clearly. I quote the wording of the debate between Hans and Freisler according to Dr. Jens Peter Michael’s article “Hans Bernd von Haeften” in the Deutscher Juristenschrift from December 1995:

On August 15, 1944, during the proceedings against Bernhard Klamroth and others, Hans Bernd von Haeften was also interrogated. A section from the official film recording documents this [F=Freisler, H=von Haeften]:

F: What was your last position in the Foreign Office?

H: Legation Counselor.

F: Legation Counselor. At the end you were active, you were Acting…Director of the Cultural Policy Department.

H: Yes.

F: Now then. Don’t you realize that when a people is struggling hard and when one of the probably thousands of colonels that there are in the army of this people has such an opinion, it’s treason to deviate in any way from loyalty to the Führer…

H: I no longer felt this duty to loyalty.

F: Aha, so, then it’s clear that when you didn’t feel it, you said to yourself, if I don’t feel loyalty, I can commit treason.

H: No, it’s not exactly like that, but rather I thought…that is, according to the view I have about the historic role of the Führer, namely, that he is a great executor of evil, I was of the opinion…

F: Well then, now it’s quite clear. There’s nothing more that can be said about it.

H: That’s right.

F: A fine civil servant in the Foreign Office. So then I’ll ask another question: And you dared to be an official in the Foreign Office?

H: Yes.

F: So. It’s not worth wasting any more words on this topic. I think any additional questions would only diminish my impression.

Freisler abruptly broke off the interrogation. Later the head state prosecutor Lautz went back to this unbelievable incident from the trial proceedings in his last address to the court. He said: “In two points the picture of the proceedings today resulted in something unusual that I would like to place at the forefront of my address… The second point is that one of the accused dared, dared after the monstrous extent of his guilt had been emphatically placed before his heart by the chief presiding judge, this accused dared to give an explanation that dwarfs everything else we’ve heard to this point in this area concerning his opinion of the Führer and the people. None of all the accused who have been interrogated to this point dared such an explanation; he dared to do this, even though in the meantime he would have become aware of the fact that he, with his act, was the executor of everything evil. I mean the accused, von Haeften.” Freisler wrote briefly in his judgment explanation: “His hate-filled words spoken before us demonstrate the way he [von Haeften] thinks–that he sees in the Führer the ‘great executor of evil.’”

Eugen Gerstenmaier later said that Hans Bernd von Haeften’s statement had actually been the decisive expression of the whole resistance.

According to the death certificate from April 15, 1948, “Hans Bernd von Haeften died on August 15, 1944 at 20:15. The cause of death: hanging.” That is, he died on the day of the proceeding and pronouncement of the judgment at the People’s Court.
<h2>Barbara von Haeften</h2>
Barbara von Haeften, the daughter of Julius and Adda Curtius, was born in 1908 in Duisburg, Germany. Her father held the positions of Minister of Economics and Foreign Minister in the period of the Weimar Republic. In 1930, Barbara married Hans von Haeften, a lawyer and diplomat who later became a legation counselor at the Ministry of Culture. Barbara and Hans von Haeften were members the Confessing Church that fought Nazi control of the churches. Hans von Haeften became active in the Kreisau Circle resistance group in the early 1940s and was closely connected to the July 20, 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler. In fact, his brother, Werner von Haeften, was Claus von Stauffenberg’s aide; he helped von Stauffenberg carry out the assassination attempt. Both Werner von Haeften and Claus von Stauffenberg were executed on the day of the failed attempt. Hans von Haeften was arrested shortly thereafter and hanged on August 15, 1944. Barbara von Haeften was arrested on July 25, 1944 and was not allowed to take her newborn baby, her fifth child, to prison with her. She was released on September 30, 1944.

<em>“Nichts Schriftliches von Politik.” Hans Bernd von Haeften: Ein Lebensbericht (C. H. Beck, 1997) is Barbara von Haeften’s only published work. She moved to Lake Constance after 1945 and later to Heidelberg. In 1975, she moved in with her daughter near Munich. She died in 2006.</em>

Text und Quelle: <a href=“ T received the death certificate in April 1948 and only by asking for it because of my widow’s pension.“ target=“_blank“></a>

Grab Agnes von Haeften

Gedenktafel für Agnes von Haeften

Gedenktafel für Agnes von Haeften und die Widerstandskämpfer Hans-Bernd und Werner von Haeften.

Agnes von Haeften

Grab Agnes von Haeften

Endlich erinnert eine Gedenktafel an die Familie von Haeften. Am Grab von Agnes von Haeften in Großschönach am Bodensee befindet sich nun eine Tafel. Sie erinnert an die beiden Widerstandskämpfer Hans-Bernd und Werner von Haeften. Gestaltet wurde die Bronzetafel von Metallguss Simons.

Am Friedhof von Agnes von Haeften in der Gemeinde Herdwangen-Schönach, zwischen Überlingen und Pfullendorf gelegen, fand eine Gedenkveranstaltung statt am 20. Juli 2014. Am Grab der Agnes von Haeften wurde mit Vorträgen und Ansprachen an die Geschichte erinnert: Agnes ist die Mutter zweier Söhne, die als Widerstandskämpfer durch die NS-Justiz ermordet wurden – nämlich Werner und Hans-Bernd von Haeften.

Mehr dazu schrieb die Zeitung:;art372558,7111246